I’m back at the drawing board, and that’s a good thing. Planning is essential to a garden that you can be sure your client appreciates. Elaine, my current client, is an octogenarian plus, and an excellent plantswoman. She really put me through my paces with this design for a small bed in her front yard. Time of bloom, color, texture, ease of maintenance, light, and water needs, and incorporating favorite existing plants all came into play as we planned this together.
Drip, drip, drip
Denver Water recently announced a Stage 2 drought, which is serious stuff. The snowpack from the two watersheds on which they rely for their supply is at a ten-year low at 59% and 73% of average respectively. In addition to conserving household water use, all consumers will need to do their part in outdoor water conservation in order to prevent an outright ban on outdoor landscape water use.
Mandatory watering restrictions begin April 1, meaning Denver Water customers may only water two days a week and must follow this schedule:
Single-family residential properties with addresses ending in even numbers: Sunday, Thursday
Single-family residential properties with addresses ending in odd numbers: Saturday, Wednesday
All other properties (multi-family, HOAs, commercial, industrial, government): Tuesday, Friday
In addition, customers must follow the standard annual watering rules:
Do not water lawns between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.
Do not waste water by allowing it to pool in gutters, streets and alleys.
Do not waste water by letting it spray on concrete and asphalt.
Repair leaking sprinkler systems within 10 days.
Do not water while it is raining or during high winds.
Additionally, trees and shrubs may be watered with a hand-held hose or drip irrigation on the assigned watering days. Spray irrigation is only allowed on assigned watering days.
Annuals and vegetables may be watered any day with a hand-held hose or drip irrigation.
Although painful, Denver Water is implementing rules that should encourage homeowners to pay attention to their outdoor water use and address wasteful irrigation techniques. With the restrictions that begin next week, they are encouraging less-wasteful drip irigation and handwatering over spray irrigation.
This season is a great time to get to know your irrigation contractor well. An investment in an updated irrigation system will provide a lasting benefit to the long-term health of your landscape. Check back here for other ideas to protect your landscape under low water conditions. Please check out Denver Water for further information.